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Join us for the Te Horo Hall Community Celebration Hāngi, from 4:30 p.m. Saturday 8 February


You and your whānau are invited to this community get-together to celebrate the completion of the earthquake strengthening of Te Horo Hall and the restored interior of the Hall, plus the fabulous new kitchen! 


Events will kick off from 4.30 pm, with formalities at 5 pm, and hāngi served at 6 pm.

Please bring either a salad or a sweet treat to share with others, your own drinks and glasses, and a picnic rug or chair as we may not have enough seats!


These enhancements to the Hall have been made possible due to the enormous support of the Te Horo community and the many local businesses and private donors that supported our fundraising.


This is your first chance to see what has been achieved by Te Horo to save and refurbish our community hall.


The event is the Hall Committee's manaakitanga to the community, however your koha contribution towards hangi costs would be appreciated.

Also, if you have any contacts who would be able to donate kai for the hāngi, we are looking for whole chickens, lamb, pork, potatoes, kumara, onions and pumpkin – please contact by 20th January if you are able to help with this at all.


Save the date now and please join us for the grand reopening of Te Horo Hall on 8 February: a special opportunity to have a drink, share some hāngi food and settle in for a special evening of socialising and meeting friends from across our beautiful region.



Ngā mihi



Andrew Annakin

Chair, Te Horo Hall Society

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